Domestic water management is facing new challenges from floods, flash floods, droughts and
increasing demands for water conservation. These new challenges also require engineers to apply
innovative, dynamic solutions and models from the planning desk to day-to-day operations.
In contrast, the catchment areas of Hungary are not measured, the lack of data is general, and a
serious handicap needs to be overcome in the field of GIS databases and surface modeling. High-
resolution aerial laser scanning could give a big boost to water management planning by providing
the geometry of river basins and land-use classification with adequate accuracy. Thus, the accuracy
and reliability of modeling processes can be greatly increased.
The creation of a spatial information background based on surface models for the processes of water
damage prevention, regional and municipal water management, inland water management, water
retention and storage are definitely a step forward, whether it is about water management tenders,
planning, construction or forecasting.
If you need topographic and relief data for your planning, please contact us: