Author Archives: eadmin

As a contractual partner of the European Space Agency, we continue to develop our forestry services

Last year, we submitted a project idea to the European Space Agency’s (ESA) InCubed programme to connected to developments supporting forest planning and management activities. ESA’s InCubed programme specifically invests in innovations focusing on commercially viable space-related products or services. We are extremely proud that, as a result of a multi-stage project development and mentoring […]

Spending ten years in the service of national parks

One of the main users of products derived from remote sensing data is nature conservation. Remotesensing can be used to map large areas, even in places where on-site visit is not possible. We haveprovided products obtained from remote sensing data for the observation, analysis and visualizationof several phenomena across the large operational area of national […]

Highway and railway development

Engineers are increasingly relying on modern aerial laser scanning data in the planning process oflinear facilities. Over the past months, our company has produced topographic basic data andorthophotos for this type of tasks several times. We produced data for Unitef’83 Zrt. for the planningof the M8 highway and for Infraplan Zrt. for the development of […]

Our solution for ragweed

Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) is the most significant allergenic plant of our time which canappear in almost any part of our climate zone. Accurate monitoring with traditional on-site visits isresource-intensive and inefficient. In many cases, large, weedy patches in agricultural fields,undetectable to the bare eye from the edge of the field, can produce significant amounts of […]

Even maize harvesting can be monitored

Monitoring the harvest of arable crops with traditional techniques is very costly, as it requirescontinuous monitoring of a large area and the volume of the harvest can change dynamically even ona daily basis.Thanks to the data provided by active radar systems, satellite technologies can continuously monitorsurface changes even in cloudy weather. Using active and passive […]

Remote sensing data in the service of flood protection

In the past two decades, several flood records have been broken in the Danube River basin,consequently in Hungary as well. High water levels and fast-flowing flood waves pose seriouschallenges for water specialists, as a flood wave brings with it economic, social and environmentalrisks. The condition assessment of the constructed defense lines and flood protection dikes […]

Surveying industrial parks

In all cases, the preparation and implementation of greenfield projects (in particular trail installationsand industrial parks) raise a number of issues that justify the use and production of geodetic data: water management in the development area (runoff conditions, designating the route ofstormwater drainage ditches, capacity planning) earthworks in the development area (e.g. backfilling of depressions, […]

Airborne laser scanning applications in water management planning

Domestic water management is facing new challenges from floods, flash floods, droughts andincreasing demands for water conservation. These new challenges also require engineers to applyinnovative, dynamic solutions and models from the planning desk to day-to-day operations.In contrast, the catchment areas of Hungary are not measured, the lack of data is general, and aserious handicap needs […]

Drought monitoring using satellite images

Record-breaking temperatures and a persistent lack of rainfall in our country led to a severe droughtby the end of the summer.As shown in the two images comparing 2021 and 2022, there are significant regional differences,with the situation being particularly critical in the central and eastern parts of Hungary.Biomass indices calculated from satellite imagery accurately show […]

Identification of forest damage caused by bark beetle using multi-sensor remote sensing

Problem description The negative effects of climate change, such as increasingly frequent periods of drought and heat waves, greatly weaken the European pines, thereby reducing their resistance to bark beetle infections. Bark beetles cause serious ecological and economic damage; the size of damage is more than 40 million m3 timber per year, only in pine […]